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Sprint 15

What's new

Pre-chat form

Users can now collect information from customers directly from the web chat before they start a conversation.

Ban customers directly from the inbox view

Users can now restrict a customer’s ability to see conversations, create new ones, or interact  with chatbots or agents for a set duration if they go against predetermined communication rules.

Linking tickets with conversation source

Users can now easily associate the source of a ticket with the particular conversation in question if the ticket was created in a live chat.

Automatic ticket creation

Tickets can be created automatically for customers using the new chatbot "Create ticket" action.

Analytics and tracking dashboard

Users now have access to an analytics dashboard around customer behaviour with eight different data points that provide insight into customer behaviour and organisational performance.

New webchat snippet events

Added functionality to the web chat embedding for greater customer control to expand or minimise webchat, triggered by customer action. Check the documentation.

Sprint 14

What's new

Multiple email domain senders


Users can now create multiple email senders across their authenticated domains. These senders can be used to set the name and address for emails sent and received by the platform.

Platform chatbot

The platform chatbot, your personal assistant, facilitates onboarding and navigation. It provides instant answers to any product-related questions you ask.

Usage & Billing page

The Usage & Billing page, integrated with Stripe, enables users to manage their payment information, view and manage invoices, and upgrade their plans.

proGPT Max translation

proGPT Max Translation enables agents to understand and translate incoming and outgoing messages in over 37 languages. Translations can be previewed directly in the inbox before sending.

Chatbot Module


Proto's new chatbot builder allows you to automate complex customer interactions. It supports a block-based intent builder and the configuration of LLMs. You can also import your existing V2 bot into the new chatbot module.

proData white-labelling

Enables color and logo customization for a white-labelled brand experience


Proto's webchat experience has been updated with a modern look-and-feel. It now includes enhanced customization options for colors, branding, and behaviors.

Custom fields


You can now view and edit custom fields for Customers, Livechats, and Tickets directly from the selected entity’s sidebar.

Documents upload as a chatbot training source

Train your chatbots with company information by uploading documents. We support CSV, JSON, and PDF formats.

Chat assignment options


Company admins can now distribute new interactions to agents using a variety of chat assignment options. These include Voluntary, Random, Balanced, and Round Robin.

Send & receive attachments

Agents and customers can now exchange various attachments, including images, videos, and documents.

Custom Inbox views for email

Company admins can now create custom Inbox views. These views allow for the filtering of chats by various attributes, such as ticket email, enhancing organization.

Default to private for other agents chats

When agents view a chat assigned to another agent, the text area now defaults to Note.

Change company switcher

If you're a member of multiple companies, you can now easily switch between them. Just use the Change Company button in the bottom-left menu to view all the companies you're a part of.

Assignment to teams

Livechats and tickets can now be assigned to both teams and agents.

Magic link login

Users can now sign up and log in to the platform without Google or Microsoft, using magic links sent via email for authentication.

Sprint 13

What's new


Microsoft OAuth Login

Securely sign in with your Microsoft account. This feature provides a convenient, secure login, ideal for teams using Microsoft products.

Search and filtering for customers, live chats, and tickets

The modules for customer, live chats, and tickets have been updated with search and filter functions. You are now able to sort by categories such as text, assignee, status, creation date, and more.

Custom email domains

Users can now authenticate their domain and change the email used for ticket communication. This feature improves communication, allowing messages to be directly sent from your authenticated domain to your customers. Additionally, you can set a static inbound email address from your own domain. Emails received at this address will automatically generate new tickets.

IP Allowlist

Create a list of approved IP address ranges that can access your workspace. This feature enhances security by allowing you to have more control over who can access your workspace.

Developer API

Our Developer API now allows developers to create and update tickets and customers. This provides greater flexibility and control over these key areas of your helpdesk, leading to improved efficiency and customer service.

Find the developer API documentation here.

Sub-company switcher

Easily switch between your sub-companies using the left-hand sidebar. This feature simplifies the management of multiple sub-companies, making it more convenient to monitor all your support tasks.

Create new workspaces

Users now have the ability to generate new workspaces once they've been taken off from their former ones.

Chatbot modules

Our new Chatbot module allows you to create and customize your very own AI-driven customer support chatbot. You can train your bot by importing URLs and uploading content. Plus, you have the option to add a personal touch to your chatbots with your choice of prompts and behaviors.


Display human UID on the right panel of the history page

Enable content search from right panel of the history page

New Integrations:

  • Zendesk integration for Webchat
  • WhatsApp integration

Bug fixes:

  • Correct the Livechat time display on the left panel to reflect the user's timezone.

Sprint 12

What's new


proGPT Core Agent Features

Leverage proGPT Core to equip agents with powerful AI-driven functionalities directly within the chat interface.

  • Tone Adjustment Capabilities: Enable agents to modify the tone of responses within the chat interface, ensuring tailored communication aligned with diverse customer needs.
  • Writing Enhancement Tools: Provide functionalities to adjust writing styles and content directly from the chat interface, enhancing communication clarity and effectiveness.
  • Spelling and Grammar Correction: Incorporate AI-powered tools to correct spelling and grammar errors in real-time, ensuring polished and professional responses.

The proGPT Core feature aims to elevate agent efficiency and communication effectiveness by embedding powerful AI features directly into the chat interface.

Dark Mode

Go easy on the eyes with a color and contrast-balanced dark theme

Customer Profile iFrame

Optionally add a tab to the Inbox panel with a provided URL to display information from an external source.

Multi-chat Inbox

To participate in multiple conversations at once, hover over the avatar of a specific chat in the left-hand sidebar. This will display the "Open in split view" button. This allows agents to stay productive in multiple conversations without having to switch pages.

Users & Teams

Invite and assign users to teams within your workspace. This feature offers flexibility and control in managing user access and collaboration. Easily invite new users, assign them to teams based on roles, and start collaborating. Streamline onboarding and enhance teamwork with this update.

Customer Panel

Quickly access and manage information about the active Customer in your conversations. This enhancement aims to improve agent efficiency and enable personalized and effective support.

Canned Replies

Save and access predefined replies for quick access in your conversations. This enhancement helps agents handle common customer queries and provide consistent, accurate responses, improving response time and streamlining the customer support process.


Intercom Integration

In the new Apps page of the bot builder, locate the Intercom configuration button.

This is where you can authenticate your sign-in to your Intercom account. Once you are back in the bot builder, you can now add the Apps Takeover feature to enable chats to be sent over to Intercom.

Proto V3 Integration

In the new Apps page of the bot builder, find the Proto V3 configuration button. Here you improve your Subcompany ID and Takeover Secret.

Back in the bot builder, you can now add the Apps Takeover to have chats sent over to Proto V3.

Agent Online Status Check

Adds the ability of the Agent Takeover block to conditionally check if agents are available.

Livechat Enhancements for Enhanced Agent Experience

Implement comprehensive improvements within Live Chat to elevate the agent experience and streamline customer interactions.

  • Chat Takeover Notifications: Implement notifications to notify agents of chat takeover instances, ensuring smooth transitions and uninterrupted customer service.
  • Persistent Aliases Management: Enable the persistence of aliases between chats, ensuring consistent identification and interaction across multiple chat sessions.
  • Enhanced Image Handling: Configure automatic opening of chat images in new tabs, enhancing the viewing experience and accessibility of shared media within chats.

GPT-Generated Human Intents

Enable GPT to auto-generate human intents that trigger specific bot blocks for enhanced conversational automation.

  • Intent Generation Mechanism: Develop a mechanism within GPT to auto-generate human intents based on conversational context and user inputs, allowing for seamless identification of user intentions.
  • Mapping to Bot Blocks: Establish associations between the generated human intents and corresponding bot blocks, ensuring accurate triggering of specific responses or actions within the bot framework.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix broken request for the analytics page.
  • Fix the language translation
  • Fix broken request for the gateway settings manager
  • Fix broken request for the bot channels
  • Fix an issue where the bot typing indicator does not start directly after the customer's reply
  • Fix an issue where clicking on a chat URL opens up a specific chat

Sprint 11

What’s new

Enhanced Note Colouring

Notes can now be coloured from a beautiful preset palette, or set to custom values.

Webchat File Uploads

Your customers can upload attachments into Webchat conversations with bots or agents. Files can be limited by type, size, or security filtering.

Customer Profile iFrame

Your customers’ profile menu seen in livechats and ticketing now supports iframing of your system’s unique customer data—great for enabling agents to visualize and manage that data directly within Proto.

Webchat Demo Page Redesign

Cosmetic and functional updates to the Webchat sandbox.

Loading Indicator

Build and Chat Histories now indicate their loading state.

Ticket Replies Sent to Respondents

When a customer replies to a ticket, your assigned respondents to that ticket will automatically receive the reply as well.

Bug fixes:

  • The old username is no longer displayed after the user has logged in with the new username
  • Check conversation timeout no longer ends conversations before set timeout duration
  • Fixed the customField returning null in Track API GET cases request
  • Fixed agent messsages being displayed with tags in the Chat list
  • and other bug fixes and security improvements